If it comes from France, if it comes from cow’s milk, if it is soft-ripened and if it has a soft, bloomy rind…it must be Brie. Not necessarily.
Fromager d’Affinois has all of these same elements as Brie, but it is NOT Brie. It is, at best, a cousin.
Thanks to a process develpoed two decades ago by Fromagerie Guilloteau called ultrafiltration, Fromager d”Affinois has a silkier texture than Brie and its sweet, milder flavor does not have the earthy mushroom taste that Brie boasts.
Ultrafiltration enables this cheese to be ready for the market in two weeks while Brie usually takes about eight weeks. This process removes water from the milk before the cheesemaking process is started. In traditional cheesemaking, the curds are drained to discard the whey. With ultrafiltration this is not necessary because the water has already been removed.
The cheese has more protein and calcium giving it a higher nutrient content and a much more creamy texture. Even though it is a double cream, its texture would make you think it were a triple cream. It looks more like creme brulee (without the crust) than a cheese.
Fromager d”affinois is the cat’s meow. I could eat this cheese all day long, if The Man would let me. He seems to think that “specialty” cheeses are reserved only for humankind. If he only knew the luxuries I have experienced in my many lives, in many Quandrants throughout the galaxies…
Do not heat this cheese. Because of its texture and lack of water, it will turn to liquid.
I give Fromager d”affinois 4 out of 4 Paws (cause that’s all I got).
Serving suggestions: Best spread on a baguette or a cracker.
Wine and Beer suggestions:
Wine Suggestions: A sparkling wine or champagne is the only way to go with this cheese.
Source: Cow’s milk.
Please note:
Guilloteau also makes a similar cheese, Florette, which is made from goat’s milk. The Lady has advised me she won’t be bringing this cheese home. I have asked her friend and Co-Worker, Becky, to sneak some for me to taste and review. My thoughts will appear as soon as Becky delivers the goods in a brown paper wrapper – made of parchment, of course…