Here in Italy the Bra Slow Food Cheese Festival is simply called “Cheese”… I had hoped to post a review of each day but the days are long, the meals are amazing and when I hit the door key at night, This Lady is ready to crash and burn. I have been posting pictures on my picasa account and also some at Facebook, but a detailed review of the festivities will have to wait until I return to the manse…
Yesterday was the opening of “Cheese” and I worked at the American booth spending most of the day helping the Cheese Swells from Rogue Creamery sample and sell their Best-of-Show Rogue River Blue and Caveman Blue. Toward the end of the night I was sampling and selling another Award-Winning Cheese, Pleasant ridge Reserve.
The American Cheese Booth is filled with Cheese Swells; Cary, David and tom from Rogue Creamery; Sue and Peggy from Cowgirl Creamery; Bob and Allison from Vermont Butter and Cheese; Andy from Uplands; Mateo, Andy and Zoe from Jasper Hills and Mary Keehn from Cypress Grove. Several of the spouse are on site as well: Roger, who is married to Mary Keehn, is quite a character and he thinks I’m funny… I’m always partial to those who find me funny; Don, who is married to Allison is also fun to hang with and he loves to clean… he even bought us a broom… my kinda guy…
Today I work again late into the night; so I will head out a bit early and wander the booths and taste some cheeses from Italy and places beyond…
Bonjourno… The Lady is off to… “Cheese”
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