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Bandon, Oregon Hometown Boy, Brad Sinko, Comes Home to “Spread the Cheese Curds” at Face Rock Creamery

brad sinkoIn March, at the Oregon Cheese Festival, The Lady had the pleasure of finally meeting Brad Sinko, who has spent the last few years in Seattle as the Award-Winning Head Cheesemaker at Beecher’s Handmade Cheeses… she felt like she already knew him, but they had actually never met…

Brad  grew up in Bandon and first learned his cheesemaking skills from his father in the same plant where he is once again making cheese. The Lady also met his charming wife and his parents, Joe and Karen, who are thrilled to have their grandson, Max, close so gramma can spoil him.

A recent press release has all the details:

The Bandon Chamber of Commerce will host a ribbon cutting ceremony for Face Rock Creamery, Wednesday, May 8, in Bandon, Oregon. Join cheese lovers from around the state in celebration of agriculture and industry on the Oregon coast. The ribbon cutting will take place at 1 PM followed by the grand opening celebration until 5 PM. Face Rock Creamery is located at 680 Second Street SE, on Highway 101, in Bandon, Oregon.

“Face Rock Creamery is a special addition to the Bandon business community,” said Bandon Chamber of Commerce CEO Julie Miller. “Watching the first milk delivery to the creamery last week was exciting. The Face Rock team is already making cheese, and that’s a product that we’re thrilled to have people identify with Bandon.”

Face Rock Creamery earned Oregon Department of Agriculture approval April 18, and Head Cheese Maker Brad Sinko produced the first batch of Face Rock made cheese curds for a Bandon Rotary Club fundraising event April 20.

Face Rock Creamery Developer and President Greg Drobot, Vice President Daniel Graham and Sinko greeted a packed house of more than 250 Rotary guests who cheered the reveal at the Bandon Community Center.

Face Rock Creamery curds, including classic unflavored, jalapeno and garlic; plus fromage blanc, In Your Face Rock Cheddar, garlic cheddar and Monterey Jack will be available May 8. The Face Rock retail store also features a selection of Oregon-made artisan cheese and wine.

For more information about the ribbon cutting ceremony, contact the Bandon Chamber of Commerce,541-347-9616.

“I consider Brad the best cheese maker in America,” Drobot said. “It’s a pretty big deal to get him back to Bandon.”

The Lady brought their cheese curds, the plain and jalapeno flavors, home for me… a gift from Greg and Brad. First The Man and I enjoyed them plain while watching golf with The Lady. The next day she topped a homemade pizza with both flavors…

I can tell you… these are get-down delish cheese curds… If the curdsy are any indication of the cheeses that are to come… then the folks who live in and around Bandon are very lucky folks…

I give Face Rock Creamery Cheese Curds 4 Paws out of 4 Paws (cause that’s all I’ve got).

If you live in Bandon… or anywhere near Bandon, you have got to stop in at Face Rock Creamery this Wednesday and take some curds home… ask for Brad and tell him, “The Cat sent me!!”

Be sure and “Like” them on Facebook!!


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