As announced recently, our Facebook Cheese Study Group is offering a new learning tool: “Cheese of the Day”. Administrators of the group will post cheese profiles that ACS CCP Exam® candidates and turophiles need to know. ACS CCP® Liz Nerud introduced our first “Cheese of the Day”: Ossau Iraty. Here’s what she shared:
Good Morning Turophiles! Welcome to the inaugural installment of our hotly anticipated series called “Cheese of the Day”! Follow along as we examine a new cheese every day. Use this as a springboard for study and apply every domain of the body of knowledge to it, so as to learn and apply context to your education. Pay attention to geography, animal breeds, milk composition, cheesemaking techniques, serving tips, and so forth. And be sure to get ahold of the cheese if you can, and eat it! So without further ado, I present to you the cheese featured on page 532 of the Oxford Companion to Cheese: OSSAU-IRATY! Sheep’s milk, from the Bearne and Basque regions of France. It received AOC status in 1980, and PDO in 1996. Here are a bunch of links to study from. Keep calm and study on!
You Tube Video from “Cheese Therapy”:
Ossau Iraty and Tino the Cheese Nerd:
For more videos, links to reviews and information regarding Ossau Iraty, please visit the Cheese Study Group Ossau Iraty discussion.
For those of you taking the ACS CCP Exam® July 26th in Denver (and anyone wanting to learn more about cheese), please join our Facebook Cheese Study Group.
Also, our group is raising funds to send worthy ACS CCP exam® candidates and ACS CCPs® who want to attend the 2017 ACS Conference in Denver, Cheese With Altitude. You can apply for a scholarship by clicking here and you can contribute to the scholarship fund by clicking here. All monies raised (withe the exception of the fees charged by GoFundMe) go to the winners of the scholarship. everyone involved in the scholarship efforts is donating their time and receiving NO fees or monetary compensation… just the feeling of helping those who need our help. Complete rules and information can be found here.
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