As much as I wanted to report yesterday, there were some serious, four-legged guests at the “Pets Friendly” Motel in the Suburbs of Seattle that diverted my attention… more on this later…
Saturday morning at the ACS 2010 Conference was the end of the seminars. The Lady had two terrific ones to end on a high note.
The first conference of the day was “advanced Sensory Flavor Characteristics and Chemistry in Bandage wrapped Cheddar”. Sounds technical, doesn’t it? Well, yes and no, according to The Lady.
This seminar was conducted by Dr. Mary Anne Drake from North Carolina State University. Dr. Drake took the class through an international study of regional cheddar sensory evaluations and then led the class through blind tastings of nine domestic and international bandage wrapped cheddars.
According to The Lady, it was amazing. She brought a set home for my own blind tasting which will take place on Tuesday and I will report my own findings at that time.
After this, The Lady attended the last class of the day which was a tasting with four charcuterie makers: all making outstanding charcuterie here in the United States from Iowa, Washington State, California and Utah. Each maker brought samples of their cured meats for the class to taste and enjoy. The Lady and I will review these in the next few days…
Once the classes were done, The Lady took a cab to Benaroya Hall to help with the set-up for the Festival of Cheeses and the Awards Ceremony. She was assigned to work on Cheese table D: American Originals/International Styles. For three and a half hours, she and four other cheese folks from Wisconsin and Atlanta cut and arranged the cheeses in this category for the tastings that would follow the Awards Ceremony. It was hard work but well worth the time and energy… and then it was time for The Grand Finale…
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