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Marinated Mozzarella Salad

marinated mozz salad2The Lady brought some Rio Briati Ciligene back from Houston recently and used it to make a Mozzarella Salad for The Man and Moi… here’s what she did…


1 8 ounce container Rio Briati Ciligene Balls, drained

1 Container Grape Tomatoes, Halved


Fresh Rosemary, chopped

Fresh Basil, Chopped

Red Pepper Flakes

Balsamic Vinegar

Salt and Pepper


Drain brine off of ciligene.

Half tomatoes.

Chop herbs.

Toss everything together; let it marinate in the fridge for about an hour.

Serve. Enjoy.

FYI: Rio Briati is made by The Crave Brothers.

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