Eggs Alexandra
A Brunch Dish rich enough for a Queen!

“There once lived a queen named Alexandra. Though she was young and beautiful, her hair was as white as bleached bone, and her heart was almost as dead…”
So begins my original hour-long fairy tale, “The Legends of Alexandra”. Recently I visited my parents and performed my story. My Dad always cooks me breakfast when I visit, and one morning I got an egg idea so brilliant, it felt like bits of amethyst had burst inside my brain. At my direction he assembled: A piece of toast, smothered with my Mom’s pimiento cheese spread, all topped off with a sizzling fried egg. When I returned home, I experimented further and created a brunch dish rich enough for a queen.
I’ve dubbed this dish “Eggs Alexandra” in honor of my beautiful fairy tale queen.
My friend, Gretchen, is the Queen of the Toastmasters and knowing how much The Lady and I love Pimento Cheese, she shared her recipe with us:
1 English Muffin, toasted
2 Tablespoons “Patsy’s Pimiento Cheese Spread”*
1 Fried Egg
Begin by making: * “Patsy’s Pimiento Cheese Spread”
For preparation instructions, please click here:
Please visit her blog by clicking here. And you can visit her youtube page to view her “spin” on opera by clicking here.