As many of my loyal readers know, I travel the US helping open Murray’s Cheese Shops in Kroger stores. Truly, a dream job for any cheese nerd. Sometimes the travel is a bit overwhelming, waking up and for a moment, not sure where I am or whose in my bed… it’s always The Man… and when that happens, I’m always at home
While in New York a few weeks back, I bought a slice of Lemon Ricotta Cake baked onsite at Murray’s Cheese. It was my afternoon snack while in class taking new Kroger stores through orientation classes; preparing them for the great things that happen when Murray’s comes to their store…
Murray’s in the West Village is going through a major face lift, new cheese cases, a new melt station, new kitchen… but not a step is missed with their customer service and attention to detail. Even with the organized chaos going on, the staff finds time to bake… a tasty lemon ricotta cake. Although not mentioned, I suspect Cheesemonger Cielo baked this delight: moist and lemony, only slightly sweet. The flavors to be savored and enjoyed with afternoon tea.
Cielo walked into Murray’s more than a decade ago, approached the owner, Rob Kaufelt, and told him he needed a job. Rob had no openings but Cielo challenged Rob to let him work the day for “free” if he didn’t sell more cheese than any of the other Mongers… and sell cheese he did. He’s now a staple around the shop, many customers including celebrities that frequent the shop, will only buy their cheeses from Cielo. There’s always a smile on his face and a mischievous sparkle in his eye as he tempts you with new arrivals and old (as in “you know this cheese but you need to taste it again today”), comfortable cheeses.
If you haven’t met Cielo and you find yourself in the West Village, stop in Murray’s and check in with Cielo… even if he didn’t bake Lemon Ricotta Cake that day, he’ll delight you with samples of cheese… but get ready… you’ll walk out the door, your arms filled with cheese and pairings…
Sadly, I don’t have a recipe to post today, but I’ll be searching and experimenting until I find a recipe close to Lemon Ricotta Cake I tasted that day. When I do, I’ll share it with you.
Disclaimer and/or disclosure: Neither Murray’s nor Kroger had any influence regarding this article. I have wanted to showcase Cielo since last year when we featured 2013: The Year of The Cheesemongers… but Cielo was always too busy to sit down for an interview with Spaulding…
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