Well… it’s time to start thinking about the 2017 ACS CCP Exam™… during the past year I have discovered a website with invaluable “tools” to assist you in your learning journey. Pat Polowsky’s Cheese Science Toolkit website is based on the science and chemistry of cheese. Pat’s background is food science; he also contributed to the new Oxford Companion to Cheese. His complete resume can be viewed on his personal website.
With Mastering Cheese by Max McCalman and the Oxford Companion to Cheese, the following articles and videos are a must to prepare for the ACS CCP® exam. In fact, you should read and view every article and video on Cheese Science Toolkit. The website is updated regularly.
I have added ACS Body of Knowledge Domain references to assist your study schedule.
Blue Cheese – ACS BOK Domain 6 Calcium and pH – ACS BOK Domains 1 and 2 Calcium Chloride – ACS Domains 1 and 2 Chemistry of Fondue – ACS BOK Domains 1 and 8 Cheese Chart – ACS BOK Domains 2 and 6 Cheese Color – (Video) – ACS BOK Domain 2 Cheese Crystals – ACS BOK Domain 3 Cheese Types – ACS BOK Domains 2 and 6 Cheese with Eyes – ACS BOK Domains 2 and 3 Cheese Yield – ACS BOK Domain 2 Coagulation – ACS BOK Domain 2 Cutting – ACS BOK Domain 2 Earthy Flavor – ACS BOK Domain 1, 2 and 3 Fatty Acids – ACS BOK Domain 1 Flavor Basics – ACS BOK Domains 2 Flavor Wheel – ACS BOK Domains 2 and 3 Glycolysis – ACS BOK Domains 1 and 2 Grading Terms – ACS BOK Domain 3 Lactation – ACS BOK Domain 1 Microbes 101 – ACS BOK Domain 1 Milk Chemistry – ACS BOK Domain 1 Pasta Filata – ACS BOK Domains 2 and 6 Pasteurization – ACS BOK Domains 1 and 2 pH – ACS BOK Domain 2 Rennet 101 – ACS BOK Domains 1 and 2 Salting – ACS BOK Domains 1 and 2 Sulfur Smell – ACS BOK Domains 1 and 2 Syneresis – ACS BOK Domain 2 Texture Basics – ACS BOK Domains 2 and 3 What Causes Cheese to Melt and Stretch? – ACS BOK Domain 2 What is Butyric? – ACS BOK Domain 1 and 2 What is Homogenization? ACS BOK Domain 2 What Makes Cheese Sheepy? – ACS BOK Domains 2 and 3 Why Are Some Goat Cheeses Goaty? – ACS BOK Domains 2 and 3 Why Are Some Bloomy Rind Cheeses Mushroomy? ACS BOK Domain 2 and 3 Why Cheese Tastes Milky – ACS BOK Domain 1
Please join our Facebook Study Group… in March 2017, we begin weekly discussions of each ACS Body of Knowledge Domains. In the interim, you can further your studies by using these tools above and those in my Study Tips and Cheese 101 at the top of this page. And for fun cheesy read, check out the interviews with Cheesemakers, Cheese Professsionals and other CCPs and Mongers.
Another new tool to help you is the ACS Virtual Library. LOTS of good stuff to browse and use.
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