Today, Erin Clancy ACS CCP® presents Cowgirl Creamery’s Red Hawk. Here’s what she had to say about this American Artisan favorite:
Hey y’all! It’s Wash-rind time. Today we briefly discuss an OG American washed-rind, RED HAWK. Red Hawk is made by Cowgirl Creamery, specifically at their Pt. Reyes location.
It is (and quote from Cowgirl’s website) a triple-cream, washed-rind, fully-flavored cheese made from organic cow’s milk. It is also made with pasteurized milk and it uses vegetarian rennet. Aged four weeks and washed with a brine solution that tints the rind a sunset red-orange, Red Hawk won Best-In-Show at the American Cheese Society’s Annual Conference in 2003 and a Gold Ribbon and 2nd Best-in-Show in 2009.
Each Red Hawk typically is 8oz and like all Cowgirl cheeses it is a Marin Organic Certified Agricultural Products.
Wanna know more about it? Check out what the professionals at Culture have to say here: https://culturecheesemag.com/cheese-library/red-hawk
AND read what that guy who knows a thing or two about cheese, Nick Bayne, wrote on Cheeserank: https://www.cheeserank.com/post/red-hawk
For more deep diving into Red Hawk, check out the Cowgirl Creamery Red Hawk page.
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