Updated May 10, 2018 to Comply with new ACS Body of Knowledge. This includes many points covered in the Expanded Body of Knowledge as well. When preparing for the ACS CCP Exam®, use the Exam Blueprint as your guide to what the exam will cover. (This presentation is created for basic knowledge and continued education of the cheese industry.)
2018 Bullet Points:
- The ACS Body of Knowledge is always your “first stop” in determining your course of study.
- Understand the basic functions of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as it pertains to our food supply.
- Understand the basic functions of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) as it pertains to our food supply.
- Understand the basic functions of the Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA) as it pertains to our food supply. (See below for links.)
- Understand the basics of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) under Title 21 Part 110: Current Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) in manufacturing, packing and holding human food.
- Know basic Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).
- Know the 7 steps of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) program.
- Know the basics of the FDA Food Defense Plan (ALERT).
- Understand what your state and local regulatory agencies do.
- Know the “Big 6” pathogens defined by the FDA plus the pathogens of particular concern to cheese.
- Know the “Big 8” allergens.
- Understand what is required on food labels and food dating policies.
- Review Wisconsin State Regulations for Butter and Cheese Makers and Cheese Graders.
- Understand Third-Party Audit functions.
- Know records necessary to comply with various agencies.
- Understand the steps of inspections and how to respond.
- Understand cold chain and its importance in food safety.
- Understand intolerances in food safety such as Lactose, gluten, protein.
Also included in Domain 1 and to be covered in the coming weeks: Nutrition, Recall plans, Import/Export rules as they pertain to food safety, State licensing and registering. As we discuss these aspects, this page will be updated.
Terms to Know:
Animal Welfare Alliance Big 6 Pathogens Big 8 Allergens CFR Cold Chain E. coli EPA FDA FSMA Food Alliance GMP Gluten HACCP Lactose Listeria monocytogenes NOP Salmonella enterica Staphylococcus aureus Toxigenic E. coli USDA
Important Food Safety Links:
ACS Best Practices Guide for Cheesemakers
Control of Listeria Monocytogenes
FDA Compliance Guide Human and Animal Food
FDA Good Manufacturing Practices Facts
FDA List of CFSAN Training Videos
FDA Food Defense Including ALERT
FDA Guidance and Regulations including facility registration and inport/export
FDA List of outside resources to assist you
Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance
FSMA Accredited Third-Part Certification Final Rule
FSMA Fact Sheets and Presentations
FSMA Preventive Controls for Human Food Final Rule
Janet Fletcher: Food Safety: 8 Key Tips for the Cheese Counter
Laura Mushrush’s 7 HACCP Plan Articles for Food Safety News
Liz Thorpe’s Cheese and Pregnancy Article for Bon Appetit
Marcella Wright’s 2018 ACD BOK Domain 1 Food Safety – Review of Days 1-4
Marcella Wright’s 2018 ACS BOK Domain 1 Food Safety – Review of Days 5-7
Marcella Wright article about Lactose and Cheese
Science Direct article on Staphylococcus aureus
Complete Transcripts of Days 1 – 4
Complete Transcripts of Days 5 – 7
©2018 Marcella Wright, Bringing Specialty Cheese to You, Bringing Food Safety to You
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