Day 8 – Review
Here’s a re-cap of each day’s tutorial posted for Food Safety. As previously announced Babs Hogan will present Domain 1: Food Safety” Nutrition June 5-14. We will at a later date have guest speakers who will address the issues of registration and licensing and Import/Export issues that pertain to Food Safety.
Day 1 Re-Cap.
Janet Fletcher interviewed several cheese retailers regarding food safety and documented the eight key and useful tips. You can read her article here:
Day 2 Re-Cap.
I shared a recent experience of poor safety in a local grocery store that has resulted in my reluctance to ever buy from their deli going forward.
I also directed you to numerous links to assist your studying. Links below.
Day 3 Re-Cap
HACCP. I directed you to Food Safety News articles that covered in depth all seven steps in the HACCP program:
Day 4 Re-Cap
We reviewed those pesky pathogens that create havoc in the safe flow of food and cheese. We also addressed the Big Eight allergens in food; pH in milk and cheese; basic food safety in preparation of food and cheesemaking; good personal hygiene. Links below.
Complete Transcripts for Days 1-4 can including all links can be found here:
Day 5 Re-Cap
We looked at Federal Regulators and regulations that control the safe flow of food and cheese, including the FDA, USDA, FSMA, CDC and PHS.
Day 6 Re-Cap.
We looked at State and Local Regulators and Regulations. We also reviewed what to expect when the inspector appears and what can constitute an “imminent health hazard”
Day 7 Re-Cap.
We looked at 3rd Party Advocacy that contribute to the safe flow of food ; Food Defense Plans highlighting the FDA plan “A.L.E.R.T.”; product labeling and a few more links to assist you in studying.
Complete transcripts of Days 5,6 and 7 can be reviewed here:
Bullet Points, Terms to Know and Important Links List can be viewed here:
Comments and questions can be posted below or via email at marcellathecheesemonger (@) gmail.com
Tomorrow I’ll post sample questions with a bibliography for further study.
Domain 2: Operations led by Allin Tallmadge ACS CCP will begin Monday, May 14th.
Explanation of expiration dates:
©2018 Marcella Wright, Bringing Specialty Cheese to You, Bringing Food Safety to You
In addition to being an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional, I am a Certified ServSafe Food Production Manager with certifications that also include ServSafe Certified Instructor and Proctor. I am available for cheese events, cheese program development, cheese training, food safety training and 3rd party food safety auditing. See my About Me and Resume pages for more details or call me at 360 921 9908 to discuss availability.
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