1. The primary government agency that oversees the importation, exportation, production and distribution of cheese is:
b. FDA
c. CDC
d. Local regulatory agency
2. The proper procedure for cleaning cutting boards and food contact surfaces is:
a. Scrape, Rinse, Wash, Sanitize, Air Dry
b. Scrape, Wash, Rinse, Sanitize, Wipe with Single-Use Towel
c. Scrape, Wash, Rinse, Sanitize, Air Dry
d. Wash, Rinse, Sanitize, Wipe with Single-Use Towel
3. HACCP, an FDA program to assist food producers in recognizing and control risk points, is an acronym for:
a. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Principles
b. Hazard Applications for Critical Control Principles
c. Hazard Act of Critical Control Point
d. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
4. Which pathogen is of primary concern for pregnant women when eating raw milk cheese?
a. Listeria monocytogenes
b. Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (aka E. coli)
c. Campylobacter jejuni
d. Salmonella Typhi
5. The first company to adopt a HACCP plan was:
a. Pillsbury
b. Kelloggs
c. Sunkist
d. Kraft
6. FSMA, the 2013 FDA program to prevent foodborne illness rather than react to it, is an acronym for:
a. Federal Safety Modernization Agency
b. Food Safety Modernization Agency
c. Food Safety Modernization Act
d. Federal Safety Modernization Act
7. The first principle of an HACCP plan is:
a. Establish critical limits.
b. Conduct a hazard analysis.
c. Determine the critical control points.
d. Contact the local regulatory agency for approval.
8. Which industry does not currently have government-mandated HACCP protocols in place?
a. Canned food
b. Meat
c. Cheese
d. Juice
9. At its root, a HACCP plan is:
a. A management system in which food safety is addressed.
b. A method of establishing traceability in the event of a recall.
c. A federally mandated requirement in the cheese industry.
d. A system of performance audits to manage food safety.
10. Which of the following is not one of the seven key principles of a HACCP plan?
a. Development of a hazard analysis of food facility.
b. Identification of critical control points in the process.
c. Identification of corrective action needed to control pathogens.
d. Develop a flow diagram to facilitate proper procedures.
11. GMP is an acronym for:
a. Government Manufacturing Practices
b. Good Manufacturing Procedures
c. General Manufacturing Practices
d. Good Manufacturing Practices
12. According to the CFR’s GMPs general provisions the definition of acidic foods is:
a. Foods that have an equilibrium pH of 4.6 or below.
b. Foods that have an equilibrium pH of 4.6 or above.
c. Foods that have an equilibrium pH of 5.1 or below.
d. Foods that have an equilibrium pH of 5.1 or above.
13. According the CFR the five major risk factors related to foodborne illnesses include all of the following except:
a. Improper holding temperatures
b. Poor personal hygiene
c. Contaminated equipment
d. Food served past its “best by” date.
14. CFR is an acronym for:
a. Commission of Food Regulations
b. Code of Food Regulations
c. Code of Federal Regulations
d. Commission of Federal Regulations
15. If a cheesemaker refuses to voluntarily recall a cheese suspected by the FDA of being contaminated, the FDA may not do which of the following:
a. Release a public notification to consumers
b. Issue an FDA mandated-recall.
c. Require the CDC to audit the food safety procedures in place.
d. Force the cheesemaker to cease production
16. The general range of pH for cheese is:
a. 3.8 – 6.8
b. 4.4 – 7.2
c. 4.4 – 6.8
d. 4.8 – 7.6
17. Sanitizer solution should be checked often for effectiveness and changed :
a. When it is dirty or concentration is too low
b. Once every shift
c. Once every 24 hours
d. Every two hours or more often if dirty
18. The pH of milk is generally:
a. 6.5
b. 6.7
c. 6.9
d. 6.1
19. Which of the following is not one of the three risk designations that the FDA recommends to regulatory agencies when evaluating operations:
a. Priority items
b. Critical risk items
c. Priority foundation items
d. Core items
20. The sugar in milk and some cheeses is:
a. Lactose
b. Fructose
c. Glucose
d. Dextrose
Answers and Bibliography:
- https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?CFRPart=133&showFR=1&subpartNode=21:
- 7th Edition ServSafe Coursebook – National Restaurant Association Solutions (page 12.7)
- https://web.archive.org/web/20160630084059/http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/HACCP/ucm2006801.htm
- Donnelly, Catherine, Editor. “The Oxford Companion to Cheese”. New York: Oxford University Press. Print. (Page 341)
- Percival, Bronwen & Percival, Francis, “Reinventing the Wheel: Milk, Microbes, and the Fight for Real Cheese”. Oakland, California: University of California Press. 2017. Print. (Page 126)
- https://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/FSMA/default.htm
- https://web.archive.org/web/20160630084059/http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/HACCP/ucm2006801.htm#princ
- Percival, Bronwen & Percival, Francis, “Reinventing the Wheel: Milk, Microbes, and the Fight for Real Cheese”. Oakland, California: University of California Press. 2017. Print. (Page 128)
- https://web.archive.org/web/20160630084059/http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/HACCP/ucm2006801.htm#princ
- https://web.archive.org/web/20160630084059/http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/HACCP/ucm2006801.htm#princ
- https://web.archive.org/web/20160808163107/http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/CGMP/default.htm
- https://web.archive.org/web/20150330214506/http://www.ecfr.gov:80/cgi-bin/text-idx?c=ecfr&sid=cefdff5373327b34dfa6f87642959825&rgn=div5&view=text&node=21:
- https://www.fda.gov/downloads/Food/GuidanceRegulation/RetailFoodProtection/FoodCode/UCM374510.pdf
- https://web.archive.org/web/20160824220226/http://www.clemson.edu//extension/hgic/food/food_safety/handling/hgic3506.html
- https://www.fda.gov/downloads/ICECI/ComplianceManuals/RegulatoryProceduresManual/UCM074312.pdf
- https://www.cheesescience.org/ph.html
- 7th Edition ServSafe Coursebook – National Restaurant Association Solutions (page 12.5)
- https://www.cheesescience.org/ph.html
- 7th Edition ServSafe Coursebook – National Restaurant Association Solutions (page 14.4)
- http://ansci.illinois.edu/static/ansc438/Milkcompsynth/milkcomp_lactose.html
Answers: 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. D 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. C 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. A
Disclaimer: None of these questions have been written for or used by the ACS CCP Exam. They are all original to me and copyrighted 2018 Marcella Wright, Bringing Cheese to You and Bringing Food Safety to You
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