- Begin your study with ACS BOK Domain Seven – Cheese Assessment and Evaluation
- You should know how to evaluate and assess the quality of cheese using your five senses: sight, smell, taste, touch and sound.
- Evaluation of cheese begins with the cheesemaker and Affineur and continues throughout the chain to the distributor, retailer and ending with the consumer.
- Evaluation includes appearance, taste, smell, texture to determine condition of cheese and evaluate how the cheese will age in the following weeks.
- Know what constitutes “bad cheese”. i.e. ammonia smell indicates that soft-ripened cheeses are over-ripe and no longer edible.
- Understand what conditions will affect the quality and life of the cheese: quality of the milk; treatment of the milk; cleanliness of the manufacturing facility; temperature along the cold chain; packaging to protect the cheese along the supply chain; cleanliness of distributor and treatment of the cheese; cleanliness of the retail facility and treatment of the cheese.
- What causes textures and irregularities in cheese.
- Understand the different crystals in cheese.
- Know flavor defects.
- Know mechanical defects.
- Know rind/surface defects.
- Know odor defects.
- Know texture defects.
- Know origins of defects: milk composition, feed, moisture content, acid development, proteolysis, lipolysis, bacterial contamination, pathogens, yeast, mold, defects in packaging and shipping deficiencies.
- Each family has unique characteristics. Familiarize yourself with the basic characteristics.
- Each family has its own set of tendencies for defect. Know these.
- Familiarize yourself with the standards of specific cheese types: http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?CFRPart=133
Terms to know:
Affinage Affineur Amines Aromatic Hydrocarbons Butyric Acid Clostridium Diacetyl Ethyl lipolysis Natamycin Phenois proteolysis Psychrotrophic Sulfur Umami
Ivan Larcher Presentation:
Zoe Brickley Presentation is only available at Facebook Cheese Study Group:
2007 Cheese Sensory Analysis Presentation at ACS Conference:
Peggy Smith Presentation available at Cheese Study Group:
Sensory Evaluation of Dairy Products:
Click to access Sensory%20evaluation%20of%20dairy%20products.pdf
USDA Bulk American Cheese Standards:
Click to access Bulk_American_Cheese_Standard%5B1%5D.pdf
Sensory Evaluation:
John Greeley, David Grotenstein and Stephanie Clark Presentation – ACS 2011:
Foodbourne Pathogens by Lloyd Luedecke:
CFR Standards for Cheese Styles:
2013 Marc Druart Mold Presentation for Whole Foods:
Pink Discoloration in Cheese:
Sensory Evaluation in Cheese – Who Should be the Judge:
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