Updated 2/27/2020: New recommendations are at top of this page:

Last summer in France, at our first meal, the wine server used a round disk inserted into the wine bottle before pouring. I had not seen one before (others at the table had) and asked to know more. After finishing the bottle, the server presented me with the disk. This is an amazing inexpensive tool to keep your wine-pouring drip-free. You can buy them at my Amazon Storefront.
FCC Disclosure: By clicking on these products and purchasing them, I will receive monetary compensation – only a few cents per item, but I do receive compensation. However, let me stress, I will NEVER endorse a product on this page that I have not purchased myself and totally endorse. (In my amazon storefront, however, I have NOT purchased all products, but based on my knowledge and/or experience with the seller, feel I can recommend them for purchase.)
These are products I have purchased and feel they go above-and-beyond just listing in my Amazon Storefront. If you find them here, I endorse them 100% and if you visit my home, you will find them being used. (These are the reviews I write and post on amazon.)
Dowan 2-Quart Porcelain Serving Bowls:

“As a foodie blogger, I am always looking for serving dishes that will showcase my food and recipes. Because I work more with cheese than any other dish (I am an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional), pasta dishes are popular at “The Manse”. These bowls are perfect and exactly what I was looking for when I purchased them. They are shallow, wide and ideal for photos (unfortunately, my last few dishes have not been up-to-par for photo-taking – but I’ll post pix when I get a dish made the way I want). They are also a heavy porcelain and dishwasher safe. You’ll be happy you bought these – I promise!!!”
Definitely a Spaulding Gray 4 Paws recommendation!!!

Jaguar Classic Black Cologne – all I’m going to say about this Men’s Cologne is that if The Man had been wearing this 40 years ago when we married, we would have ended up with a hundred or so kids… just sayin’… If you buy this cologne, you’ll find yourself up to your ears in admirers!!
Another 4 Paws winner!!!

Portal by Facebook – While I fear that technology is becoming too intrusive into our private lives (and fear that Alexa IS actually listening in – in our house she’s bored senseless), I have to say I LOVE Portal. I can finally see my grandchildren when chatting with them (Oh right, my kids as well). I can’t comment on the quality of the tech side, but it is solid and the video is clean and clear. The sound is good and my grands also love it. (If “they” are watching, this is a good way to do it…). We also have Echo Dots in 4 rooms of the house…

A Cold Case Investigation: The JFK Conspiracies – who killed JFK? The Man made several startling discoveries into the death of our beloved President while he was researching the life and death of Marilyn Monroe. This page-turner won’t let you down.

Coroner’s Cold Case 81128: Marilyn Monroe – when I met The Man in 1978, he was fascinated with the death of Marilyn Monroe, when Had occurred some 15 years before. At the time he had two full book shelves of books and VHS videos about her life and death. Finally, years later he put his research together in this fascinating and fresh look at the death of this movie icon… even some 55+ years later, people still love and adore Marilyn and wonder what happened on that night in August when her life ended.

Identifying Real Time Travelers – The Man and I love time travel movies and watch them all; from the ridiculous to the serious. Our favorites include the Back to The Future Trilogy (especially the first) and The Final Countdown. In Identifying Real Time Travelers, The Man began his research with the premise of “are there time travelers walking among us today? If so, who might they be?” From there he began research that span several years and several more bookshelves of books and DVDs. This book might not answer your questions but it certainly will make you think and wonder…

Hideaway by Jason Pinter – I started this book when I went to bed last night and read until I finished it. The characters are well-defined and complex. The Writer uses an interesting structure for the story; revealing information a little at a time as we get to know Rachel, her kids and the events that brought her to the point in her life where the story begins.
I am pleased to be introduced to Jason Pinter and have already loaded The Mark onto my Fire. For those of you who subscribe to Kindle Unlimited, Mr. Pinter’s books are part of the program. If you read a lot, the $9.99 a month is a bargain.

Ali Cross by James Patterson – I was not aware that this book was written for the Young Adult market before I began reading it. For an adult, may be a little simple but for the youth market, an excellent read. If you are an adult mystery fan with kids, it might be fun to read this with your children. A great way to introduce them to the mystery genre. For adult readers, you might enjoy the Theodore Boone series by John Grisham more. As a teen, you’ll enjoy this book and the characters. In the Alex Cross series (I’ve read the entire series), Ali has been in the shadows while Patterson has featured the older children in several books.
In addition to being an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional, I am a Certified ServSafe Food Production Manager with certifications that also include ServSafe Certified Instructor and Proctor. I am available for cheese events, cheese program development, cheese training, food safety training and 3rd party food safety auditing. See my About Me and Resume pages for more details or call me at 360 921 9908 to discuss availability.
As an authorized Amazon Influencer, there are affiliate links within this posting which can result in income for me. Please visit my Amazon Storefront; your support contributes to the overhead required to keep this website alive and updated.
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