Last year in early January when news of this virus in China creating the quarantine of whole cities, my friend, LaDonna, Owner of Sweet Combs of Honey, and I sat and wondered, “Is this the big one?” A question that stills goes unanswered. Recently, Italy announced another lockdown of half of the country until Easter Sunday, April 4th, when all of Italy will be locked down. Is another wave coming?
One year ago yesterday…
On March 23, 2020 Georgia’s Governor called for the first “14-day quarantine shutdown – to flatten the curve.” Now, a year later, parts of the US remain shutdown with more than 100,000 restaurants gone forever. Schools are closed in too many areas and children have lost a year of their lives and their education – both “book” and “social” education.
The Man, who is 84, went into “stay home” mode but hardly noticed. If he never had to leave the house again, he’d be one

happy hermit. He keeps himself busy writing, reading and surfing the web for conspiracy after conspiracy… He’s The Man…
Being together 24/7 is not a big change for us… we have been married forty plus years and most of our working careers we shared office space. Until I began opening Murray’s Cheese Shops in 2011, we had never spent more than two nights away from each other… and now that we are “retired”, we’re back together 24/7…
So what good has come from the pandemic? Somedays, I think nothing good has come from the pandemic. But according to The Man, I have become a better cook. Our second date I made spinach salad, grits (which he had never had) and baby back ribs – all from scratch. It was the first time The Man swooned… He tells me that was when he knew I was “the one”…
I’ve continued to “swoon” him over the years… but the pandemic brought the cook in me. Before the Pandemic, we ate out once a week. That ended a year ago yesterday (I so miss sushi). I began cooking everyday and I took up the challenge and began to push myself in the kitchen.
After much research, I bought new pots and pans made by Update International. I love these stainless steel pots and pans that I purchased individually (rather than a set).

Every morning I pick the protein for our main meal of the day which happens after cocktails (it must be 5 o’clock somewhere). Then I take to the internet and begin exploring recipes. I create my own version, taking a little from here and a little from there. Sometimes it works and other times… not so much… The Man never … I think he’s simply grateful to have a cook in the house.
I began making everything from scratch; all of our dressings and condiments, totally from scratch… except Dijon mustard… it’s hard to improve on perfection including the following:
- Blue Cheese Dressing (using Rogue Creamery’s Oregon Blue)
- Ranch Dressing
- French Dressing
- Catsup
- Mayonnaise
- Cocktail Sauce
- Tartar Sauce
- Aioli Spreads
- Garlic Butter Spreads (using King Arthur’s Cheddar Cheese Powder)
I began getting into the weeds of ingredients in food and found that scratch was the only way to go. Eliminating all those ingredients I can’t pronounce. Then I learned the reason for those strange ingredients was to extend shelf life and my scratch foods didn’t last long… solution… make smaller batches.
I’ve learned to use MSG (Thank you, David Chang)and Umami seasoning. I’ve added several new herbs and spices to my collection, including saffron. I’ve added Nutritional Yeast and Vinegar Powders per a suggestion from Mishima Reserve Waygu Beef.
I incorporated more fresh fruits and veggies into our meals and insisted that one day a week be salad day. My salads include

both veggies, fruits and beans. The Man tolerates Salad Day…
And of course, I incorporated cheese in new and interesting ways.
I came up with my own hacks in the kitchen. My favorite is a small bucket in the sink with bleach water. In the bucket are a couple of washcloths and a sponge. Throughout the day, I use the bucket for rinsing my hands before cooking and then I wipe down the counters with the washcloths. A simple way to keep the virus at bay.
Yesterday, we had fresh halibut and Dungeness crab shipped from Pike’s Market in Seattle. I made fresh sauces and a fresh salsa… yep… The Man swooned.
In addition to being a member of the Internationale Guilde des Fromagers (Jura and Garde) and an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional, I am a Certified ServSafe Food Production Manager with certifications that also include ServSafe Certified Instructor and Proctor. I am available for cheese events, cheese program development, cheese training, food safety training and 3rd party food safety auditing. See my About Me and Resume pages for more details or call me at 360 921 9908 to discuss availability.
This post may contain affiliate links from which I receive a small commission from any purchases you make through those links. I thank you for patronizing my amazon influencer store front.
I sample specialty artisan cheeses most Fridays or Saturdays at Sweet Combs of Honey: Check out my “Grab n Go” page at Facebook for more information.
The Man, aka Peter M. Wright, has written his first novel: Gold Fever, available at as a kindle book for only $2.99.
Written in the flavor of one of our favorite movies, Romancing the Stone, Gold Fever is a romantic adventure that brings together an archeologist looking to establish his name in his field and a rock star on the verge of burn-out.
In GOLD FEVER an Archeologist motivated by a newly discovered clue, searches for a fabled Native American Legend – the long ago lost Seven Golden Cities of Cibola. While the Archeologist seeks to prove the legend is actually true, he is constantly under attack by a second group seeking the treasure.
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