Starting tomorrow: Cabot Cheese Premium Mac n Cheese Giveaway:
Please donate via the PayPal button above right to help me keep this website viable – thank you.
After becoming an ACS CCP in 2013, I spent the next 5 years creating and compiling hundreds of documents to assist those sitting for the ACS CCP Exam and all Cheese Enthusiasts who wanted to increase their Cheese IQ. These documents are all posted and linked here.
Updated March 24, 2022 – my raw milk list now exceeds more than 500 separate cheeses made using raw or thermalized milk.
I will continue to update it daily in the same way I updated the Vegetarian Suitable Database. If you make raw milk cheese and would like to be included, please email me at marcellathecheesemonger (@) gmail.com.
Cheese Index 165 Cheeses You Should Know 281 Cheeses You Should Know Vegetarian Suitable Cheeses
FDA Regulations regarding Raw Milk Cheese
Cheese | Milk Type | Rennet | Raw or Pasteurized |
1841 Havarti (Calkins Creamery) | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
1924 Bleu (Herve Mons) | Sheep and Cow | Animal | Raw |
5 Spoke Creamery – all cheeses | Cow | Raw | |
Abbaye de Tamie | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Abondance AOP | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Adair (Jacobs and Brichford) | Raw | ||
Allgauer Emmentaler | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Alpha Tolman (Jasper Hill Farm) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
AmaBlu (Caves of Faribault) | Cow | Vegetarian | Thermalized |
AmaGorg (Caves of Faribault) | Cow | Vegetarian | Thermalized |
Ameribella (Jacobs and Brichford) | Raw | ||
Appalachian (Meadow Creek Dairy) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Appalachian Extra Aged (Meadow Creek Dairy) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Appel Farm Raw Milk Gouda | Cow | Raw | |
Appenzeller AOP | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Appleby’s Cheshire | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Aquasco Jack & Reserve (PA Bowen Farmstead) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Artikaas Hay There Gouda (with Lavender and Thyme) | Cow | Raw | |
Artikaas Hay There Gouda (with Ras El Hanout) | Cow | Raw | |
Ascutney Mountain | Cow | Vegetable | Raw |
Ashbrook (Spring Brook Farm) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Asher Blue | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Asiago DPO | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Autor | Goat | Vegetable | Raw |
Ayersdale (Bonnieview Farm) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Azeitao | Sheep | Vegetable | Raw |
Baby Baron Bigod | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Bandage Cheddar (Fiscalini) | Cow | Raw | |
Banon | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Barkeater (Consider Bardwell 7 Crown Finish) | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Baron Bigod | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Bayley Hazen Blue | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Bear Hill (Grafton) | Sheep | Microbial | Raw |
Beaufort AOP | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Beecher’s Raw Flagship | Cow | Raw | |
Ben Nevis (Bonnieview Farm) | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Bena (Prom Country) | Raw | ||
Berggenuss | Cow | Raw | |
Berkswell | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Big Cow (Twig Farm) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Big Sky Grana (Bleu Mont Dairy) | Cow | Raw | |
Billings Arm Smoked Cheddar | Cow | Raw | |
Birdville Reserve (Eagle Mountain) | Cow | Raw | |
Bitto | Cow + 10-20% goat | Animal | Raw |
Black Diamond Grand Reserve Cheddar | Cow | Raw | |
Black Ledge Blue (Cato Corner Farm) | Cow | Raw | |
Black Truffle Pecorino (Moliterno di Central) | Sheep | Raw | |
Black Truffle (Plymouth Artisan) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Blackmont | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Blended Nevis (Bonnieview Farm) | Sheep and Cow | Animal | Raw |
Bleu d’Auvergne | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Bleu de Gex Haut Jura | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Bleu des Causses | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Bleu Mont Dairy Bandaged Cheddar | Cow | Raw | |
Bloomsday (Cato Corner Farm) | Cow | Raw | |
Blu del Moncenisio | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Blue Goat (Twig Farm) | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Blue Heaven (Rogue Creamery)** | Cow | Microbial | Pasteurized |
Blue Ledge Farm’s Riley Coat | Cow | Raw | |
Blues and Brews (Caves of Faribault) | Cow | Vegetarian | Thermalized |
Boeren Edammer | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Boerenkaas | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Boerenkaas (WVCC) | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Bonnington Linn | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Borough Market Farmhouse Cheddar | Cow | Raw | |
Bosque Blue (Veldhuizen) | Cow | Raw | |
Boucher Blue (Green Mountain) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Bra | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Branzi | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Brefu Bach | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Briana (Jacobs and Brichford) | |||
Briana with Truffles (Jacobs and Brichford) | |||
Bridgid’s Abbey (Cato Corner Farm) | Cow | Raw | |
Bridgman Blue (Jasper Hill Farm) | Cow and Goat | Raw | |
Brie | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Brie de Meaux | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Brie de Meulen | Cow | None | Raw |
Brightwell Ash | Goat | Vegetarian | Raw |
Brinz | Sheep | Raw | |
Browning Gold (5 Spoke Creamery) | Cow | Raw | |
Butter Cheddar (Billings Farm) | Cow | Raw | |
Buttermilk Blue (Roth Cheese) | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
By George Farm | Organic Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
C2 (Bruny Island, Tasmania) | Cow | Raw | |
Cabecou de Roncamadour | Goat | Animal | Both* |
Cabrales | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Cacio Fiore | Sheep | Vegetable | Raw |
Caciocavallo Silano | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Caerphilly (Duckett) | Cow | Animal | Pasteurized |
Caephilly (Gorwydd) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Caerphilly (Gothberg Farms)** | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Caldera Espana (River Whey) | Cow | Raw | |
Calderwood (JHF) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Camembert | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Camembert de Normandie | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Canestrato Pugliese | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Cantal | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Caprino Romano (Gothberg Farms)** | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Cardo | Goat | Vegetable | Raw |
Carmody Reserve (Bellwether Farms) | Cow | Vegetable | Raw |
Cascadia Creamery – all cheeses | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Cascadia Glacier Blue | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Cascadia Sleeping Beauty | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Casciotta d’Urbino | 75% Sheep/25% Cow | Animal | Raw |
Castelmagno | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Castelo Branco | Sheep | Vegetarian | Raw |
Castigliano | Cow/Sheep/Goat | Animal | Both |
Cato Corner Farm (all cheeses) | Cow | Raw | |
Caveman (Rogue Creamery)** | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Caws Teifi (all Cheeses) | Organic Cow | Raw | |
Caws Calan | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Caws Chwaral | Sheep | Thistle | Raw |
Caws Cernath | Sheep | Animal | RAw |
Cayuga Blue (Lively Run Goat Dairy) | Goat | Vegetarian | Raw |
Celilo (Cascadia) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Chabichou du Poitou | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Chaource | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Charolais AOP | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Chebar | Goat | Raw | |
Cheddar | Generally Cow | Both | Both* |
Cheddar | All | Both | Both |
Cheddar Aged (Gothberg Farms)** | Goat | Animal | Both |
Chef Shred (JHF) | Cow | Animal and Pasteurized | Both |
Chesapeake Cheddar & Reserve (PA Bowen Farmstead) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Cheshire | Cow | Vegetable | Raw |
Chevrotin des Aravis | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Cloud Cap (Cascadia) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Comte AOP | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Comte La Gelinotte | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Constant Bliss | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Cookville Grana (Blythedale Farms) | Cow | Raw | |
Coomersdale (Bonnieview Farm) | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Cooperstown Cheese Company – all cheeses | Cow | Raw | |
Cornerstone (Cato Corner Farm) | Cow | Raw | |
Corra Linn | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Cosyn Cymru Olwyn Fawr | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Cotija | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Crater Lake (Rogue Creamery)** | Cow | Microbial | Pasteurized |
Crawford (5 Spoke Creamery) | Cow | Raw | |
Crawford (Twig Farm) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Crema de Blue (Valley Shepherd Creamery) | Cow and Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Crescenza | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Cricket Creek Maggie’s Round | Cow | Raw | |
Crottin de Chavignol | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Crowley Cheese | Raw | ||
Crucolo Cheese | Cow | Raw | |
Curio Bay Pecorino | Sheep | Raw | |
Dairyere (Cato Corner Farm) | Cow | Raw | |
Dancing Fern (Sequatchie Cove) | Cow | Raw | |
Delice de Bourgogne | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Despearado (Cato Corner Farm) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Doddington | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Dorset (Consider Bardwell) | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Dorset Blue | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Double Barrel Cheddar (Veldhuizen) | Cow | Raw | |
Down East Tomme (Josh Pond) | Organic Cow | Animal | Raw |
Dreamy Creamy (PA Bowen Farmstead) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Drunken Hooligan (Cato Corner) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Drunk Monk (cato Corner) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Durrus | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Dutch Farmstead (Cato Corner Farm) | Cow | Raw | |
Dutch Knuckle (Sugarhouse Creamery) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Dutch Peak Tomme (By George Farm) | Raw | ||
Dutchman’s Flat (Juniper Grove) | Goat | Raw | |
East Meadow (Plymouth Artisan) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Echo Mountain (Rogue Creamery)** | Cow and Goat | Microbial | Pasteurized |
Edmund Pew | |||
El Cantu | Cow | Raw | |
Elrick Log | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Emental Grand Cru | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Emmental AOP | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Emmental de Savoie | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Epoisses | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Erronkariko gazta | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Esker Blue (Josh Pond) | Organic Cow | Animal | Raw |
Etivaz | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Evalon (LaClare Farms) | Goat | Microbial | Raw |
Everton (Jacobs and Brichford) | Cow | Raw | |
Evora | Sheep | Vegetable | Raw |
Exmoor Blue | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Extra Aed Cheddar (Brazos Valley) | Cow | Raw | |
Farmstead Cheddar (Greens of Glastonbury) | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Farmstead Gouda (WVCC) | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Fat Tailed Tomme (Veldhuizen) | Cow | Raw | |
Felix (Caves of Faribault) | Cow | Vegetarian | Thermalized |
Feta | Goat & Sheep | Animal | Both* |
Feta (Pecora Dairy) | Sheep | Raw (aged 75 days in brine) | |
Fiore Sardo | Sheep | Animal | Both |
Fiscalini Bandage Wrapped Cheddar** | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Fiscalini Farmstead Cheddar** | Cow | Vegetable | Raw |
Five Year Cheddar (Veldhuizen) | Cow | Raw | |
Flagship (Raw version)** | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Flagship Reserve (Raw version)** | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Fontina Valle d’Aosta DOP | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Forager (5 Spoke Creamery) | Cow | ||
Formagella del Luinese | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Formaggio di Fossa di Sogliano | Sheep & Cow or both | Animal | Both |
Formatge de Mallorca | Cow, Goat, Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Formei de Mut dell’Alta Val Brembana | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Forsterkase Bergfichte | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Fourme d’Ambert | Cow | Animal | Both |
Fourme de Montbrison | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Frere Fumant (3 Corner Field Farm) | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Fromage d’O’Cow and Rappleree (Cato Corner) | Cow | Raw | |
Fromage de Herve | Cow | Animal | Both |
Full Moon (Beehive Cheese) | Cow | Vegetable | Raw |
Fuzzy Wheel (Twig Farm) | Goat and Cow | Animal | Raw |
Gabietou | Cow, Sheep | Animal | Both |
Gailtaler Almkase | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Garlic Peppercorn (Plymouth Artisan) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Giguere Tomme (Barn First) | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Glacier Blue (Cascadia) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Goat Gouda (Winter winds Farm) | Goat | Raw | |
Goat Tomme (Twig Farm) | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Golden (Holland’s Family Cheese) | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Goredawnzola (Green Mountain) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Gorgonzola | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Gorgonzola Dolce | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Gorwydd Caerphilly (Todd Trethowan) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Gouda | Various | Both | Both* |
Gouda Aged (Gothberg Farms)** | Goat | Animal | Both |
Graceburn | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Grafton 2-year extra sharp Cheddar | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Grafton Cave Aged Clothbound Cheddar | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Grafteon Village Cheddar | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Gran Kinara | Cow | Thistle | Raw |
Grana Padano | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Grayson (Meadow Creek Dairy) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Granbury Gold (Eagle Mountain) | Cow | Raw | |
Great Hill Blue (Great Hill Dairy) | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Great Lakes Cheshire | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Greens Creek (Veldhuizen) | Cow | Raw | |
Greens of Glastonbury Cheddar | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Griffin (Sweet Grass Dairy( | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Gruyere PDO (Cave-Aged) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Gruyere (Gothberg Farms)** | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Gruyere de Savoie | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Hafod | Cow | Animal | Both |
Halloumi | Sheep and Goat | Microbial | Both |
Hannah (Ancient Heritage) | Cow and Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Harvest Moon (5 Spoke Creamer) | Cow | Raw | |
Highlander (Calkin Creamery) | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Highlander (Jasper Hill Farm) | Raw | ||
Hinman Settler (JHF) | Sheep and Cow | Animal | Raw |
Hoch Ybrig | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Hooligan | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Horseradish Pecan Cheddar (Brazos Valley) | Cow | Raw | |
Hot Pepper (Plymoth Artisan) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Hudson Red | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Hunter (Plymouth Artisa) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Ibores DOP | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Idiazabal DOP | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Idiazabal Gazta | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Ilbesa’s Aged Sheep Milk Cheese | Sheep | Raw | |
Ilbesa’s Mature Sheep Milk Cheese | Sheep | Raw | |
Indigo Ridge (River Whey) | Raw | ||
Invierno (Vermont Shepherd) | Sheep and Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Isle of Mull Cheddar | Cow | Animal | Raw |
JQ (Jacobs and Brichford) | Raw | ||
Jacobs and Brichford (all cheeses) | Raw | ||
Jalapeno Cheddar (Jersey Barnyard) | Cow | Raw | |
Jeemy River Cheddar (Cato Corner Farm) | Cow | Raw | |
Jersey Blue (Blythedale Farms) | Cow | Raw | |
Jersey Blue (Willi Schmid) | Cow | Vegetable | Raw |
Jersey Girl (Cooperstown Cheese) | Cow | Raw | |
Jersey Girl (woodcock Farm) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Keen’s Cheddar | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Keystone (River Why) | Raw | ||
Kickapoo (Ludwig Farmstead Cheese) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
King Saul (Udder Delights) | Cow | Raw | |
Kinsman Ridge (Landaff Creamery) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Kirkham’s Lancashire | Cow | Animal | Raw |
La Luna (Blue Ledge Farm) | Goat | Raw | |
La Primavera (Section 28) | Cow | Raw | |
La Saracca (Section 28) | Cow | Raw | |
Lacey White (Hickory Nut Farm) | Goat | Raw | |
Lady in Blue (Lazy Lady Farm) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Laganory | Organic Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Laguiole | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Lancanshire | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Landaff | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Latteria (Lira Rossa) | Cow | Raw | |
l’Etivaz | Cow | Animal | Raw |
le Montagne de Bethmale (Jean Faups) | Cow | Raw | |
Lincolnshire Poacher | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Lionza (Fiscalini) | Cow | Raw | |
Livarot | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Lou Bergier Pichin | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Maconnais | Goat or Cow | Animal | Raw |
Madeleine | Goat | Vegetarian | Raw |
Maggie’s Round (Cricket Creek) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Maggie’s Reserve (Cricket Creek) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Majorero (Similar to Manchego) | Goat | Animal (lamb) | Raw |
Manchego | Sheep | Animal | Both* |
Manchego DOP (El Trigal Artisan) | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Manchego DOP (Don Juan) | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Manchego DOP (Dehesa de los Llanos Artisan) | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Manchester (Consider Bardwell) | Goat | Vegetarian | Raw |
Maple Smoked Cheddar (Grafton Village) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Marieke Aged Gouda | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Marieke Goudas – all cheeses | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Maroilles | Cow | Animal | Both |
Maytag Blue | Cow | Vegetable | Raw |
Mecox Sunrise | Cow | Raw | |
Meddybemps (Josh Pond) | Organic Cow | Animal | Raw |
Meule de Savoie | |||
Middlebury Blue (Blue Ledge Farm) | Cow | Raw | |
Mild Cheddar (Alta Dena) | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Mild Cheddar (Jersey Barnyard) | Cow | Raw | |
Mixed Drum (Twig Farm) | Goat and Cow | Animal | Raw |
Molto Vivace (Cato Corner Farm) | Cow | Raw | |
Moncedillo Red | Sheep (Churra) | Raw | |
Montasio DOP | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Monte Veronese | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Montforte (Section 28) | cow | Raw | |
Montgomery Cheddar | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Moon Hill (Josh Pond) | Organic Goat | Animal | Raw |
Moonglo (Prairie Fruits Farm) | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Mopsy’s Best (Black Sheep Creamery) | Sheep | Raw | |
Morbier | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Mossend Blue | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Mountaineer (Meadow Creek Dairy) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Mountina (Vintage Cheese of Montana) | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Mountina Mocha (Vintage Cheese of Montana) | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Moyarra Reserve (Prom Country) | Sheep | Raw | |
Munster-Gerome | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Naked Goat | Goat | Raw | |
Neighborly Farms – Sharp and Mild Cheddars | Organic Cow | Raw | |
Nisa | Sheep | Vegetarian | Raw |
Northern Gold (Pedroza) | |||
Ocooch (Hidden Farm Creamery) | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Oka | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Ol’ Redneck Cheddar (Veldhuizen) | Cow | ||
Old Goat (Twig Farm) | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Old Kentucky Tome (Capriole) | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Olwyn Fawr | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Oma (VonTrapp) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Organic Prufrock | Cow | Raw | |
Oregon Blue (Rogue Creamery)** | Cow | Microbial | Pasteurized |
Oregonzola (Rogue Creamery)** | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Original Blue (Point Reyes) | Cow | Vegetable | Raw |
Original Plymouth (Plymouth Artisan) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Ossau-Iraty AOP | Sheep | Animal | Both* |
Parmesan (Gothberg Farms) | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Parmigiano Reggiano | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Paragon (Veldhuizen) | Cow | ||
Paski Sir** | Sheep | Microbial | Raw |
Pastures (Saxon Homestead) | Cow | Raw | |
Patmos Peak (Bonnieview Farm) | Sheep and Cow | Animal | Raw |
Pave du Nord | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Pawlet (Consider Bardwell) | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Pecorino del Monte Poro | Sheep | Raw | |
Pecorino delle Balze Volterrane DOP | Sheep | Vegetarian | Raw |
Pecorino di Filiano | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Pecorino di Picinisco PDO | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Pecorino Romano PDO | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Pecorino Sardo | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Pecorino Sicillano | Sheep | Animal (lamb) | Raw |
Pecorino Toscano | Sheep | Animal | Both |
Pelardon des Cevennes | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Pepato (Bellwether Farms) | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Piacentinu Ennes | Sheep | Raw | |
Picodon | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Picon Bejes Treveso | Cow, Goat, Sheep | Lactic Acid | Raw |
Pitchfork Cheddar | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Pleasant Ridge Reserve (Uplands)** | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Plymouth Artisan Cheese (al cheeses) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Point Reyes Original Blue | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Pont l’Eveque | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Porter (5 Spokes Creamery) | Cow | Raw | |
Pouligny-Saint-Pierre | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Prairie Fruits Farm | Goat | Raw | |
Pride of Bacchus | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Prince’s George Blue (PA Bowen Farmstead) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Provola dei Nebrodi DOP | Cow with added goat or sheep curd | Raw | |
Provolone del Monaco | Cow | Raw | |
Purple Moon (Fiscalini) | Cow | Raw | |
Queixo de Tetilla | Cow | Both | |
Queijo de Nisa DOP | Sheep | Raw | |
Queso Camerano PDO | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Queso Castellano IGP | Sheep | Raw | |
Queso Casin DOP | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Queso de flor | Cow, Goat, Sheep | Vegetable | Raw |
Queso de la Serena | Sheep | Vegetable | Both* |
Queso de las Alpujarras | Goat or Mixed | Animal | Both |
Queso de Mano (Haystack Mountain) | Goat | Microbial | Raw |
Queijo Jorge | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Queijo Serpa | Sheep | Vegetable | Raw |
Queso Majorero PDO | Goat (sometimes mixed with Ewes) | Animal | Raw |
Queso Nata de Cantabria | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Queso Palmero | Goat | Animal (Goat) | Raw |
Queso Tetilla | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Quesu Casin | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Quesu d’Afega’l pitu | Cow | Raw | |
Quesu de Gamonedo | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Quesucos de Liebana | Cow, Goat, Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Quicke’s Clothbound Cheddar | Cow | Raw | |
Raclette AOP | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Raclette de Savoie | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Ragusano | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Raschera DOP | Cow | Raw | |
Raw Milk Gouda (Haute) | Goat | Raw | |
Raw Milk Gouda with Truffles (Dutch) | Cow | Raw | |
Raw Milk Gouda (Marieke) | Cow | Raw | |
Reading | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Reblochon de Savoie | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Red Cloud (Haystack Mountain) | Goat | Microbial | Raw |
Red Leicester | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Red Leicester (Sparkenhoe) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Red Meck (Finger Lakes Farmstead Cheese Company) | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Red Witch | Cow | Raw | |
Redmond Cheddar (5 Spokes Creamery) | Cow | Raw | |
Redneck Cheddar (Veldhuizen) | Cow | Raw | |
Riley’s Coat (Blue Ledge Farm) | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Riseley | Sheep | Vegetarian | Thermised |
Robiola di Roccaverano | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Rocamadour PDO | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Rocky Lake Raclette (Josh Pond) | Organic Cow | Animal | Raw |
Rogue River Blue ** | Cow | Microbial | Pasteurized |
Rollright | Cow | Animal | Both |
Roncal DOP | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Roquefort AOP | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Roth Cheese Private Reserve | Cow | Raw | |
Rupert (Consider Bardwell) | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Rush Creek (Uplands)** | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Sage and Herbs (Plymouth Artisan) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Saint Maure de Touraine | Goat | Animal | Both* |
Saint Nectaire | Cow | Animal | Both* |
Saint Tola | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Salers | Cow | Raw | |
Salva Cremasco | Cow | Animal | Raw |
San Andreas (Bellwether Farms) | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
San Joaquin (Fiscalini)** | Cow | Vegetable | Raw |
Sao Jorge | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Sawtooth (Cascadia) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Sbrinz | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Scharfe Maxx | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Schuyler Gouda (Finger Lakes Farmstead Cheese Company) | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Scio (Ancient Heritage) | Sheep | Raw | |
Selles-sur-Cher | Goat | Animal | Both* |
Serpa | Sheep | Vegetable | Raw |
Serra da Estrella | Sheep | Vegetable | Raw |
Sharp Shooter Cheddar (Veldhuizen) | Cow | ||
Sharp White Cheddar (Jersey Barnyard) | Cow | Raw | |
Sheep Cheddar (Veldhuizen) | Sheep | Raw | |
Shelburne Farms | Cow | Raw | |
Shepherd’S Blend (Veldhuizen) | Cow, Sheep | Raw | |
Shepsog (Grafton Village) | Sheep and Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Silter DOP | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Single Gloucester | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Sinodun Hill | Goat | Vegetarian | Raw |
Sleeping Beauty (Cascadia) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Slyboro (Consider Bardwell) | Goat | Vegetarian | Raw |
Smoke Signal (Calkins Creamery) | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Smoked (Plymouth Artisan) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Smokey Blue (Rogue Creamery)** | Cow | Microbial | Pasteurized |
Sonoma Creamery 4 year Cheddar | Cow | Microbial | Raw |
Sparkenhoe Blue | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Spenwood | Sheep | Vegetable | Thermised |
Square Cheese (Twig Farm) | Goat | Animal | Raw |
St. Cera | Cow | Animal | Raw |
St. George (Matos Cheese) | Cow | Vegetable | Raw |
St. James | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
St. Jude | Cow | Animal | Raw |
St. Marcellin | Cow | Animal | Raw |
St. Pete’s Reserve Blue (Caves of Faribault) | Cow | Vegetarian | Thermalized |
Sterling Reserve (Mt. Sterling Cheese Co-op) | Goat | Chymosin | Raw |
Stichelton | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Stonesbeck Wensleydale | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Stuyt Mild 2-4 Months | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Stuyt Cumin | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Stuyt Smoked | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Stuyt Bacon | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Stuyt Garlic Herb | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Stuyt Onion Parsley | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Stuyt Jalapeno | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Stuyt Habanero | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Stuyt Diamond Reserve | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Stuyt El Capitan | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Teviotdale PGI | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Texas Gold Cheddar (Veldhuizen) | Cow | Raw | |
The Welshman | Cow | Raw | |
Thomasville Tomme (Sweet Grass Dairy)** | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Toggenburger | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Toma Celena (Cooperstown Cheese) | Cow | Raw | |
Tome des Bauges | Cow | Raw | |
Tomme Chevre Aydius | Goat | Vegetarian | Raw |
Tomme de Fayette (Jacobs and Brichford) | Raw | ||
Tomme de Levezou | Sheep | Raw | |
Tomme de Savoie | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Tomme du Vallee (Section 28) | Cow | Raw | |
Tomme Vaudoise | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Tongarra (Pecora Dairy) | Sheep | Raw | |
Torta del Casar | Sheep | Vegetable | Raw |
Toussaint (Sprout Creek) | Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Triple Barrel Cheddar (Veldhuizen) | Cow | Raw | |
True Blue (Woodcock Farm) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Tubby (Spring Brook) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Tumbleweed (5 Spokes Creamery) | Cow | Raw | |
Tumalo Tomme (Juniper Grove Farm) | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Twig Farm Washed Wheel | Goat with a little cow added on occasion | Animal | Raw |
Twig Round | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Ubriaco di Amarone Cheese | Cow | Raw | |
Ubriaco al Prosecco Cheese | Cow | Raw | |
Vacherin du Haub-Doubs | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Vacherin Fribourgeois | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Vacherin Mont d’Or | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Valdes Blue (Barn First) | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Valencay | Goat | Animal | Both* |
Valtellina Casera | Cow | Raw | |
Vampire Slayer (Calkins Creamery) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Van Sormon (Brazos Valley) | Cow | Raw | |
Vastedda della Valle del Belice | Sheep | Animal (Lamb) | Raw |
Venus Blue (Prom Country) | Sheep | Vegetarian | Raw |
Verano (Vermont Shepherd) | Sheep | Vegetarian | Raw |
Verdant (Caves of Faribault) | Cow | Vegetarian | Thermalized |
Vermont Shepherd (Major Farm) | Sheep and Cow | Vegetarian | Raw |
Vermont Shepherd (Major Farm) | Sheep | Vegetable | Raw |
Vermont White Cheddar (Hoffman) | Cow | Raw | |
Villajos Artisan Manchego | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Vivace (Cato Corner Farm) | Cow | Raw | |
Weston Wheel | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Wensleydale (Whin Yeats) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
West Country Farmhouse Cheddar | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Welsh Cheddar (5 Spokes Creamery) | Cow | Raw | |
Westcombe Cheddar | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Westcombe Ricotta | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Whey Blue (River Whey) | Cow | Raw | |
Whiting Robiola (Josh Pond) | Organic Cow | Animal | Raw |
Whitney (Jasper Hill Farm) | Raw | ||
Wigmore | Sheep | Vegetarian | Thermised |
Winnimere (Jasper Hill Farm) | Cow | Animal | Raw |
Woman of LaMancha (Gothberg Farms)** | Goat | Animal | Raw |
Womanchego (Cato Corner Farm) | Cow | Raw | |
Woodstock Cheddar (Billings Farm) | Cow | Raw | |
Wooly Texas (veldhuizen) | Sheep | Raw | |
Yarrawa (pecora Dairy) | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Zamorano | Sheep | Animal | Raw |
Zimbro | Sheep | Vegetable | Raw |
Please note: Rogue Creamery has transitioned to using pasteurized milk for its cheeses. Only Oregonzola is made with raw milk. (I tried to catch them all, but if I miss one, please let me know.
Links to my other cheese databases: 281 cheeses you should know; 165 more cheeses to know and 178 vegetarian suitable cheeses. For reviews, click on the “Cheese Index” tab above this post.** Indicates we have an interview with the Cheesemaker here on the website. The entire list of interviews can be accessed by clicking here.
Many European cheeses are made with raw milk for their own market and with pasteurized milk for the USA market, due to FDA regulations regarding raw milk cheeses.
My thanks to the following websites which I used for research: Culture Magazine, Janet Fletcher’s “Cheese Course”, Cowgirl Creamery,Cheese.com, Agraria.org, Murray’s Cheese , the numerous websites of producers and cheesemakers and World Cheese Book by Juliet Harbutt.
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