There are still 5 days left to enter the Cabot Premium Mac n Cheese giveaway – winners will be announced next Monday November 1st.
… And as one giveaway ends another will begin.

My good friend and Award-Winning Owner/Cheesemaker of Oregon’s Rogue Creamery, David Gremmels, and I have teamed up to give away a selection Rogue Creamery Cheddar and Blue Cheeses (fingers crossed that one will be the 2019-2020 World Grand Champion, Rogue River Blue – all of RRB is already allocated but maybe… maybe… David will locate a couple of wedges to share – no promises…)
Cheeses that will be included are Mary Cheddar, Jefferson Cheddar, Jalapeno Cheddar, Smokey Blue, Bluehorn, and Blue Heaven Blue Cheese Powder.
And there will be swag: A Rogue River Blue Mug, Rogue River Blue Cutting Board and a Rogue Creamery Cheese knife.
I’ll admit that I am prejudiced… Rogue Creamery has a special place in my heart. During November I’ll introduce you to the “Awesomeness” of Rogue Creamery that reaches beyond making Award-winning Cheeses.
** Since its founding in 1933 by Tom Vella, Rogue Creamery has grown by leaps and bounds. Today Rogue Creamery cheese can be found at cheese counters and restaurants nationwide, and in many countries around the world – including the UK, EU, Australia, and Japan. Rogue has gone Organic, become a Certified B Corporation, and been honored with the title of “World’s Best Cheese.”
This past week at the ICDA Awards (International Cheese & Dairy Awards) at Staffordshire, England, Rogue Creamery won 6 Gold and 3 Silver Awards. Full press release available here.
So mark your calendar now to enter to win Rogue Creamery Cheeses and swag which will be delivered to the winner the week of Thanksgiving.
A selection of Rogue Creamery Cheeses are available on their website and my Amazon Influencer Store Front.
** From Rogue Creamery website
In addition to being a member of the Internationale Guilde des Fromagers (Jura and Garde) and an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional, I am a Certified ServSafe Food Production Manager. I am available for cheese events, cheese program development, team building events, cheese training, food safety training and 3rd party food safety auditing. See my About Me and Resume pages for more details or call me at 360 921 9908 to discuss availability.
This post may contain affiliate links from which I receive a small commission from any purchases you make through those links. I thank you for patronizing my amazon influencer store front.
The Man, aka Peter M. Wright, has written his first novel: Gold Fever, available at amazon.com as a kindle book for only $2.99.
Written in the flavor of one of our favorite movies, Romancing the Stone, Gold Fever is a romantic adventure that brings together an archeologist looking to establish his name in his field and a rock star on the verge of burn-out.
In GOLD FEVER an Archeologist motivated by a newly discovered clue, searches for a fabled Native American Legend – the long ago lost Seven Golden Cities of Cibola. While the Archeologist seeks to prove the legend is actually true, he is constantly under attack by a second group seeking the treasure.
The Man is currently writing a sequel to Gold Fever. Gold Fever and his non-fiction books are available through Amazon’s lending library.
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