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Last Two Days To Enter to Win Cheese and Jelly from Oregon’s Tillamook and Kelly’s Jelly

You have until 1145pm tonight to enter to win:

Tillamook Cheese is giving three set of their Maker’s Reserve Cheddar (Vintages 2019,2018,2017, 2016 and 2012) to 3 lucky winners, drawn at random by Kelly’s Jelly will be giving each of the winner a gift box selection of their jellies and Fruit Spread. Delivery will be in time to WOW!!! your holiday guests!!!

You can slice it; you can dice it; you can strawberry jam it.

You can pair it with bourbon, absinthe and prosecco and you can even make a Kelly’s Cosmo to go with it.

You can cook with it, bake with it and even fondue with it.

When it comes to Tillamook Cheese and Kelly’s Jelly… well… the sky’s your only limit; but you have to enter to win it!!!

Selections of Kelly’s Jelly and Tillamook Cheese are available at my Amazon Influencer Storefront. Thanks for supporting my efforts to keep the passion for cheese and specialty foods alive!!


My friend and fellow Cheese Professional, Babs Hogan, is offering Cheese Jerseys – just in time for the holidays. Shop Local!!!

In addition to being a member of the Internationale Guilde des Fromagers (Jura and Garde) and an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional, I am a Certified ServSafe Food Production Manager with certifications that also include ServSafe Certified Instructor and Proctor. I am available for cheese events, cheese program development, cheese training, food safety training and 3rd party food safety auditing. See my About Me and Resume pages for more details or call me at 360 921 9908 to discuss availability.

This post may contain affiliate links from which I receive a small commission from any purchases you make through those links. I thank you for patronizing my amazon influencer store front. 

The Man, aka Peter M. Wright, has written his first novel: Gold Fever, available at as a kindle book for only $2.99.

Written in the flavor of one of our favorite movies, Romancing the StoneGold Fever is a romantic adventure that brings together an archeologist looking to establish his name in his field and a rock star on the verge of burn-out.

In GOLD FEVER  an Archeologist motivated by a newly discovered clue, searches for a fabled Native American Legend – the long ago lost Seven Golden Cities of Cibola. While the Archeologist seeks to prove the legend is actually true, he is constantly under attack by a second group seeking the treasure.

The Man is currently writing a sequel to Gold Fever. Gold Fever and his non-fiction books are available through Amazon’s lending library.

#GrownInOregon #TillamookCheese #TillamookCheddar #TillamookCreamery #ProudlyTillamook #TogetherWithTillamook #KellysJellyOregon #KellysCuties #Cheese #Cheddar #WhatGoesWithCheese #MarcellaTheCheesemonger #AmazonInfluencer #ACSCCP #GuildedesFromagers #Cocktails #KellysCosmo #OldFashioned #DeathInTheAfternoon #TheHemingway #ErnestHemingway #StMoritz #SexAndTheCity #AndJustLikeThat


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