You’ll have to do the cooking… but it will be worth it… Giveaway will start Monday, January 10th and will run 10 days via my Instagram account. A winner will be selected randomly on 1/21 in time for delivery for Valentine’s Day.
One lucky winner will receive:
Mishima Reserve Wagyu Beef Steaks – 2
Beecher’s Cheese and Chocolate Collection:
- Flagship (7oz.)
- Dutch Hollow Dulcet (7oz.)
- Just Jack (7oz.)
- Marco Polo Reserve (7oz.)
- Beecher’s Crackers (2 packages)
- Theo Pure 70% Dark Chocolate Bar
- Theo Salted Almond 70% Dark Chocolate Bar
- Theo Salted 70% Toffee Dark Chocolate Bar
$25 Gift Card for your local Bottle Shop to purchase bubbly Courtesy Marcella The Cheesemonger
Retail value $275.
I’m teaming up with Beecher’s Handmade Cheese and Mishima Reserve to bring one lucky winner everything you need for a romantic dinner for two on Valentine’s Day, February 14th.
As long-time readers of my website know, Spaulding Gray and I have been fans of Beecher’s Cheeses since we moved to the PNW in the 2000’s. When we started the blog (which later became this website), Spaulding’s first cheese review was for No Woman (now New Woman), which was his favorite cheese. In a conversation with Beecher’s founder, Kurt Dammeier, he suggested the “beefy” notes from the jerk spices might have been a factor in his love of No Woman – SG would climb up my pants’ leg whenever I had No Woman in my hand. He went nuts for it. He loved many cheddars but No Woman was special to him. You can read the interview between SG and Kurt here.
Kurt and Jena Paxton have been supporters of my cheese journey from day 1. Early in my tenure at Hawthorne Cheese Kiosk, a signed copy of Kurt’s first cook/foodbook, Pure Flavor, arrived as a gift. I was thrilled and from there a friendship grew and continues today.
And as we move through this giveaway, I’ll also share my thoughts on the special cheeses and foods of Beecher’s.
One of the gifts in this giveaway is a chocolate and cheese collection that includes the chocolates of Theo. Theo Chocolates are fair trade and organic. One article I will share is a conversation with one of their Peruvian cocoa farmers.
The Man and I are fans of Mishima Reserve Wagyu Beef and have enjoyed it on several occasions.
Going back in time, in 1970 I spent the summer after my second year of college traveling around (literally) the world. Our last international stop was a week in Japan where we had one dinner that included Kobe beef steaks. (Going further back in time, in the early 1960s, my dad was a meat salesman for Redfern Meats in Atlanta and every Friday he brought home “out-dated” meats: pork, lamb, bacon and beef steaks. From those early days I learned about quality meats and also the way to judge BB dates/sell by dates.) Back to Japan, I had never tasted beef like the Kobe steaks we had that night. We learned the cattle was fed sake and hand-massaged to evenly distribute the fat. When I came home and told my dad about that dinner, he laughed and told me they would remain a memory as Kobe was not available in the US and even if available the price tag exceeded our “pocketbook”.
Preparing for this giveaway I have been researching Kobe and Wagyu beef and will share with you my discoveries.
Links and all details, rules, etc. for this exciting giveaway will be posted here on Monday.
A selection of Beecher’s Cheeses, Wagyu Beef, Kurt’s Foodbooks, and Theo Chocolate can be found at my Amazon Influencer store front.
In addition to being a member of the Internationale Guilde des Fromagers (Jura and Garde) and an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional, I am a Certified ServSafe Food Production Manager with certifications that also include ServSafe Certified Instructor and Proctor. I am available for cheese events, cheese program development, cheese training, food safety training and 3rd party food safety auditing. See my About Me and Resume pages for more details or call me at 360 921 9908 to discuss availability.
This post may contain affiliate links from which I receive a small commission from any purchases you make through those links. I thank you for patronizing my amazon influencer store front.
The Man’s third nonfiction book is available in my on amazon influencer store: “Identifying Real Time Travelers”. In his own words: “Identifying Real Time Travelers is not a novel. It is a nonfiction study of our history to prove Time Manipulators exist for reasons of their own and are, even now, affecting our Past, Present and Future. If Time Manipulation has been invented either in our past or our future, then because of the inventor’s new ability, through time, time travel will have always existed on Earth. This book seeks to answer these questions: Can time travel exist and if so how and why have the Time Manipulators chosen to affect us?”

It’s a fascinating read and you can buy it for your Kindle, Fire tablet or free Kindle reader for only $3.99. Of course, we hope you’ll buy it, enjoy it and leave a 5-star review on amazon.
In addition to Identifying Real Time Travelers, The Man has two other non-fiction book: Coroner’s Cold Case 81128: Marilyn Monroe and The JFK Conspiracies. Both available for purchase or you can borrow them through the amazon kindle unlimited library. His action adventure, Gold Fever is also available.
We created an “Author’s Page” on amazon and hope you will “Follow”.
#PeterMWright #TimeTravel #RealLifeTimeTravelers #Marilyn #ColdCase #MarilynMonroe #Conspiracy #JFK #GoldFever #CoronersColdCase81128 #Kindle #KindleUnlimited #Amazon #AmazonInfluencer
#MarcellaTheCheesemonger #AmazonInfluencer #Cheese #BeechersHandmadeCheese #Beechers #Flagship #JustJack #NoWoman #NewWoman #TheoChocolate #Wagyu #Beef #MishimaReserve #Chocolate #ValentinesDay #Instagram #Giveaway #Champagne #Prosecco #Cava #Bubbly
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