Instagram user “Maggiejigs”, who is an artist named Peg Todloski. After her name being drawn, I checked her out. (Isn’t that why the internet was created?) I was pleased to view her art. You can view her art and learn about her technique with mixed media on her Facebook Page.
Her Valentine’s Day giveaway gift, sponsored by Beecher’s Handmade Cheese and Mishima Reserve Wagyu Beef, includes two Wagyu steaks, a Cheese and Chocolate Collection of Beecher’s wedges: Flagship, Dulcet, Just Jack and Marco Polo and Beecher’s Crackers and a selection of Theo Chocolate, Beecher’s side dishes of Roasted Potatoes and Street Corn plus a $25 gift card toward a bottle of bubbly to complete the evening.
Congratulations to Peg and a thank you to Beecher’s Handmade Cheese and Mishima Reserve for their generosity in supporting this giveaway and also a thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway. Our next giveaway will be announced soon and centered around Easter. Watch here on my website for details.
A selection of Beecher’s Handmade Cheeses, Mishima Reserve Beef and Theo Chocolate can be found online at my Amazon Influencer storefront. Any purchases you make through my amazon account results in a small (sadly, very small) commission paid to me with no charge to you. I appreciate your support, as it helps defray the expense of maintaining the website.
My friend and Cheese Colleague, Babs Hogan aka The Healthy Cheese Lady has created her first “Cheesy” T-Shirt in a new line of clothing. The T-Shirt is only $20 and you can order it here. I will have a Q&A with Babs later this week for her launch. Everyone needs this T-Shirt because it’s true: “Cheese Makes Me Happy”.
In addition to being a member of the Internationale Guilde des Fromagers (Jura and Garde) and an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional, I am a Certified ServSafe Food Production Manager with certifications that also include ServSafe Certified Instructor and Proctor. I am available for cheese events, cheese program development, cheese training, food safety training and 3rd party food safety auditing. See my About Me and Resume pages for more details or call me at 360 921 9908 to discuss availability.
This post may contain affiliate links from which I receive a small commission from any purchases you make through those links. I thank you for patronizing my amazon influencer store front.
The Man’s third nonfiction book is available in my on amazon influencer store: “Identifying Real Time Travelers”. In his own words: “Identifying Real Time Travelers is not a novel. It is a nonfiction study of our history to prove Time Manipulators exist for reasons of their own and are, even now, affecting our Past, Present and Future. If Time Manipulation has been invented either in our past or our future, then because of the inventor’s new ability, through time, time travel will have always existed on Earth. This book seeks to answer these questions: Can time travel exist and if so how and why have the Time Manipulators chosen to affect us?”
It’s a fascinating read and you can buy it for your Kindle, Fire tablet or free Kindle reader for only $3.99. Of course, we hope you’ll buy it, enjoy it and leave a 5-star review on amazon.
In addition to Identifying Real Time Travelers, The Man has two other non-fiction book: Coroner’s Cold Case 81128: Marilyn Monroe and The JFK Conspiracies. Both available for purchase or you can borrow them through the amazon kindle unlimited library. His action adventure, Gold Fever is also available.
We created an “Author’s Page” on amazon and hope you will “Follow”.
#PeterMWright #TimeTravel #RealLifeTimeTravelers #Marilyn #ColdCase #MarilynMonroe #Conspiracy #JFK #GoldFever #CoronersColdCase81128 #Kindle #KindleUnlimited #Amazon #AmazonInfluencer
#MarcellaTheCheesemonger #AmazonInfluencer #Cheese #BeechersHandmadeCheese #Beechers #Flagship #JustJack #NoWoman #NewWoman #TheoChocolate #Wagyu #Beef #MishimaReserve #Chocolate #ValentinesDay #Instagram #Giveaway #Champagne #Prosecco #Cava #Bubbly #BeechersHandmadeCheese #BeechersCheese #BeechersLoft #Pasta&Co #SugarMountain #PureFood #PureFlavor #TheButchersTable #BeechersFoundation #BabsHogan #TheHealthyCheeseLady #CheeseMakesMeHappy
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