Goes without saying, I have been absent. So much has happened, it’s hard to decide what to share and what falls under… NOBODY.CARES.
Here are the highlights since my last post (This is NOT, the “Too Funny Not to Share” part – stay with me…):
- September 3 was a regular First Sunday: flea meds for the cats, clean the drains and water plants and… My WSOP online poker team continues to dominate its leagues, placing first five weeks in a row.
Zebra Grass October 1 was a successful First Sunday: flea meds, drains and plants and… The deck was finished and the new Zebra Grass lawn planting completed… Harry turned 6 months old… the newest cat, love of my life. The Man turned eighty-seven in September – wow – been with him half of his life!!
- November 5 was a frustrating First Sunday: flea meds, drains, plants and… out-of-nowhere, a “Friend” blocked me on Facebook.
- December 3 was a joyful First Sunday: flea, drains, plants and… hung new ornaments on the “Everyday is Christmas” tree… in preparation for Christmas…duh.
- December 25 was a peaceful Christmas. The Man and I spent our forty-sixth Christmas with friends, Allin Talmadge ACS CCP (who graced us with an amazing cheese plate) and the Williams, our new across-the-street neighbors.
- January 7 was a resoluting First Sunday. flea, drains, plants. After several months of walking one to five miles a day, I joined Planet Fitness and started working out with my new exercise buddy, Pastor Hugh. He drives; I buy the snacks and… the neighborhood coyote rushed Little Oscar on the front porch at the exact moment I opened the door to feed Oscar. Oscar ran and I screamed.
My WSOP team - February 7 was an amazing Wednesday. My WSOP poker team which I started on July 19, 2023 qualified for the Inaugural WSOP Online Free Poker Championship. We would finish twenty-fifth out of one hundred-fifty-one teams for the twenty-four hour/five day tournament. We were thrilled but ready for a nap… a long nap and oh, that’s right, I was pumped!!
- March 3 was a “first” First Sunday. Flea, drains and Plants and… I made Madeleines.
- March 16 was Herb-Planting Saturday. The January cold snap killed some of my herbs and I had to replace the thyme, basil, oregano, chives and rosemary. I added lemongrass.
Harry April 1 is Happy Birthday Harry!!! Harry, our ginger baby (named after the Prince) turns one today. Appropriate that this little scamp is an April Fool. What joy and laughter he has added to the manse with his antics and nightly zooming. Only 2 weeks till The Masters, my fav golf week.
- May 6 is First Sunday. Fleas, drains and Plants. Nothing special… My herbs are thriving: basil, catnip, oregano, chives, rosemary, thyme, lemongrass and sage. I do loving cooking with fresh herbs. I have also begun feeding a murder of crows, enticing them with peanuts and fancy seeds. It has also attracted the cardinals among other peaceful and beautiful birds.
- June 3 is another First Sunday. Fleas, drains, plants. Only 2 weeks till the US Open, my
Birds of Paradise second fav golf week. One exciting event during May. I acquired two very mature Birds of Paradise, my favorite flower and with the help of a local horticulturist, we divided them into ten plants. Aren’t they beautiful?
- June 30 last Sunday and today and here we are. A new cat has weaseled (like it was a difficult thing to do) his way into the fold. We named him Romeo and he is a twin to our beloved Felix. Interestingly, the other cats have accepted him more easily than they have in the past. He sleeps in one of the catnip plants – does that make it catnap???
My life; welcome to it!!
And Finally we are at that “Too Funny Not to Share” moment of the day.
For several months, The Man has been obsessing over a recent Five Guys‘ news article reporting that a cheeseburger, small fries and small drink costs around Twenty-Five bucks at their establishment. The Man remembers when a Big Mac was less than a buck.
During that same time, I have been using a new leave-in condition for my curly long hair that is a little on the pricey side (in my book). It has repaired my split ends which is exactly what it claimed to do. Therefore, the price is justified (in my book). Some might say Boojie…
I was sharing my happiness with my silky curls with The Man, waxing about how great my hair felt. I stated that the $30+ I spent on the condition was worth it.
And The Man replied. “Or you could buy a hamburger.” He remains and will always be The Man.
In retirement, I continue to love cheese and incorporate it into my cooking, always using only the highest quality cheeses available. My dear friends, Geoff and Dawn, bring me special cheeses on their frequent visits from London so my cheese jones is always satisfied. However, my updates will branch out into more about cooking and gardening and lest I forget, poker…
I’ll be back in a few days…
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