List updated as of March 8, 2019 – this list includes all cheeses that have applied for protection and/or have been granted protection. Please refer to The EU DOOR list for clarification of current status.
There are currently 239 cheeses with EU Protected Status.
Several countries in Europe and the European Union promote and protect certain agricultural products and foodstuffs. For more information on this practice, please read my posting.
The EU has three levels of designation )Icons are shown above): Protected Designation of Origin (PDO); Protected geographical Indication (PGI) and Traditional Specialty Guaranteed (TSG). You can also visit the European Commission’s page regarding geographical indication and lists of all designated cheeses, wines and other products. Switzerland, which is not part of the European Union, protects its cheeses with the AOP designation.
While studying for the ACS CCP exam in 2013 and mentoring candidates in 2014, I studied and stressed the importance of understanding the European Union’s protection of certain foods stuffs; for the exam, specifically the cheeses. The countries that I concentrated on were France, Italy, Spain, England and to a lesser extent, Portugal. In updating my postings and pages for the “Cheese” category I wanted to make sure my information was correct and updated and in doing my research I discovered so many other countries that have protected cheeses. In addition to the complete list below, I have created addition “Sub-Category” pages which break the list into countries and/or regions.
I have reviewed some of these cheeses and you can read my reviews via the provided links. Many more are included in my lists of 281 Cheeses You Should Know, 165 More Cheeses to Know, Raw Milk Cheeses and Vegetarian-Suitable Cheeses.
In addition to links to my reviews, I have provided links to other sites with information about the cheeses.
I welcome all corrections and/or additions to these lists – email me via the address on my About Me page Thanks!!
My thanks to wikipedia; the website was a great help in compiling this list. If you haven’t contributed to this non-profit website, I urge you to do so. As little as a pledge of $3.00 a month can go along way to keeping it online.
Abondance |
Afuega’l Pitu |
Allgäuer Bergkäse |
Allgäuer Emmentaler |
Allgäuer Sennalpkäse |
Altenburger Ziegenkäse |
Arzùa-Ulloa |
Asiago |
Banon |
Beacon Fell traditional Lancashire cheese |
Beaufort |
Bitto |
Bleu d’Auvergne |
Bleu de Gex Haut-Jura ; Bleu de Septmoncel |
Bleu des Causses |
Bleu du Vercors-Sassenage |
Boeren-Leidse met sleutels |
Bonchester cheese |
Bovški sir |
Bra |
Brie de Meaux |
Brie de Melun |
Brillat-Savarin |
Brocciu Corse / Brocciu |
Bryndza Podhalańska |
Burrata di Andria |
Buxton blue |
Cabrales |
Caciocavallo Silano |
Camembert de Normandie |
Canestrato di Moliterno |
Canestrato Pugliese |
Cantal ; fourme de Cantal ; cantalet |
Casatella Trevigiana |
Casciotta d’Urbino |
Castelmagno |
Cebreiro |
Chabichou du Poitou |
Chaource |
Charolais |
Chevrotin |
Comté |
Crottin de Chavignol / Chavignol |
Danablu |
Danbo |
Dorset Blue Cheese |
Dovedale cheese |
Edam Holland |
Emmental de Savoie |
Emmental français est-central |
Époisses |
Esrom |
Exmoor Blue Cheese |
Fiore Sardo |
Fontina |
Formaggella del Luinese |
Formaggio di Fossa di Sogliano |
Formai de Mut dell’Alta Valle Brembana |
Fourme d’Ambert |
Fourme de Montbrison |
Fromage de Herve |
Gailtaler Almkäse |
Gamoneu ; Gamonedo |
Gorgonzola |
Gouda Holland |
Grana Padano |
Gruyère |
Hessischer Handkäse / Hessischer Handkäs |
Hollandse geitenkaas |
Holsteiner Tilsiter |
Idiazabal |
Imokilly Regato |
Jihočeská Niva |
Jihočeská Zlatá Niva |
Kanterkaas ; Kanternagelkaas ; Kanterkomijnekaas |
Klenovecký syrec |
Laguiole |
Langres |
Lietuviškas varškės sūris |
Liliputas |
Livarot |
Mâconnais |
Mahón-Menorca |
Maroilles / Marolles |
Mohant |
Mont d’Or ; Vacherin du Haut-Doubs |
Montasio |
Monte Veronese |
Morbier |
Mozzarella di Bufala Campana |
Munster ; Munster-Géromé |
Murazzano |
Nanoški sir |
Neufchâtel |
Nieheimer Käse |
Noord-Hollandse Edammer |
Noord-Hollandse Gouda |
Nostrano Valtrompia |
Odenwälder Frühstückskäse |
Olomoucké tvarůžky |
Oravský korbáčik |
Orkney Scottish Island Cheddar |
Oscypek |
Ossau-Iraty |
Ossolano |
Parmigiano Reggiano |
Pecorino Crotonese |
Pecorino delle Balze Volterrane |
Pecorino di Filiano |
Pecorino di Picinisco |
Pecorino Romano |
Pecorino Sardo |
Pecorino Siciliano |
Pecorino Toscano |
Pélardon |
Piacentinu Ennese |
Piave |
Picodon |
Picón Bejes-Tresviso |
Pont-l’Évêque |
Pouligny-Saint-Pierre |
Provolone del Monaco |
Provolone Valpadana |
Puzzone di Moena / Spretz Tzaorì |
Quartirolo Lombardo |
Queijo de Azeitão |
Queijo de Cabra Transmontano/Queijo de Cabra Transmontano Velho |
Queijo de Évora |
Queijo de Nisa |
Queijo do Pico |
Queijo mestiço de Tolosa |
Queijo Rabaçal |
Queijo S. Jorge |
Queijo Serpa |
Queijo Serra da Estrela |
Queijo Terrincho |
Queijos da Beira Baixa (Queijo de Castelo Branco, Queijo Amarelo da Beira Baixa, Queijo Picante da Beira Baixa) |
Queso Camerano |
Queso Casín |
Queso de Flor de Guía / Queso de Media Flor de Guía / Queso de Guía |
Queso de La Serena |
Queso de l’Alt Urgell y la Cerdanya |
Queso de Murcia |
Queso de Murcia al vino |
Queso de Valdeón |
Queso Ibores |
Queso Los Beyos |
Queso Majorero |
Queso Manchego |
Queso Nata de Cantabria |
Queso Palmero ; Queso de la Palma |
Queso Tetilla / Queixo Tetilla |
Queso Zamorano |
Quesucos de Liébana |
Raclette de Savoie |
Ragusano |
Raschera |
Reblochon / Reblochon de Savoie |
Redykołka |
Rigotte de Condrieu |
Robiola di Roccaverano |
Rocamadour |
Roncal |
Roquefort |
Sainte-Maure de Touraine |
Saint-Marcellin |
Saint-Nectaire |
Salers |
Salva Cremasco |
San Simón da Costa |
Selles-sur-Cher |
Ser koryciński swojski |
Silter |
Single Gloucester |
Slovenská bryndza |
Slovenská parenica |
Slovenský oštiepok |
Soumaintrain |
Spressa delle Giudicarie |
Squacquerone di Romagna |
Staffordshire Cheese |
Stelvio ; Stilfser |
Strachitunt |
Svecia |
Swaledale cheese |
Swaledale ewes´ cheese |
Taleggio |
Tekovský salámový syr |
Telemea de Ibăneşti |
Teviotdale Cheese |
Tiroler Almkäse ; Tiroler Alpkäse |
Tiroler Bergkäse |
Tiroler Graukäse |
Tolminc |
Toma Piemontese |
Tome des Bauges |
Tomme de Savoie |
Tomme des Pyrénées |
Torta del Casar |
Traditional Ayrshire Dunlop |
Traditional Welsh Caerphilly/Traditional Welsh Caerffili |
Valençay |
Valle d’Aosta Fromadzo |
Valtellina Casera |
Vastedda della valle del Belìce |
Vorarlberger Alpkäse |
Vorarlberger Bergkäse |
Weißlacker / Allgäuer Weißlacker |
West Country farmhouse Cheddar cheese |
White Stilton cheese / Blue Stilton cheese |
Wielkopolski ser smażony |
Yorkshire Wensleydale |
Zázrivské vojky |
Zázrivský korbáčik |
Ανεβατό |
Γαλοτύρι |
Γραβιέρα Αγράφων |
Γραβιέρα Κρήτης |
Γραβιέρα Νάξου |
Καλαθάκι Λήμνου |
Κασέρι |
Κατίκι Δομοκού |
Κεφαλογραβιέρα |
Κοπανιστή |
Λαδοτύρι Μυτιλήνης |
Μανούρι |
Μετσοβόνε |
Μπάτζος |
Ξύγαλο Σητείας / Ξίγαλο Σητείας |
Ξυνομυζήθρα Κρήτης |
Πηχτόγαλο Χανίων |
Σαν Μιχάλη |
Σφέλα |
Φέτα |
Φορμαέλλα Αράχωβας Παρνασσού |
In addition to being an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional, I am a Certified ServSafe Food Production Manager with certifications that also include ServSafe Certified Instructor and Proctor. I am available for cheese events, cheese program development, cheese training, food safety training and 3rd party food safety auditing. See my About Me and Resume pages for more details or call me at 360 921 9908 to discuss availability.

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